How to resign

Career Guide Seldon-Rosser-How-To-Resign

Making your resignation is without doubt one of the most nerve wracking elements of making a career move.  You’ve received the offer, made the decision, maybe even had a celebratory drink but you can’t really relax and enjoy the moment until this hard part is done.  The longer you’ve stayed with a business, the tougher it can feel.  However, it rarely is as difficult in reality as people build it up to be.  These six tips on how to resign is our best advice for a graceful, professional and calm exit.

Get the process right

Most people want to resign in person to their direct manager.  However, be ready to provide notice in writing at the end of the meeting to make it formal and start your notice period.  The written notice needs to be concise.

Prepare your message

You’ll want to explain why you’ve made the decision, and, what makes the new opportunity something you want to leave for; something you’re not getting with your current employer.

Thank your manager

Hopefully you’ve had a positive relationship with your manager but even if it’s been challenging, no doubt you’ll have learnt a lot from them and want to leave on the best possible footing by thanking them for all they have done for you.

Be firm in your decision

It is important to state that you’re certain in your decision.  Counter-offers are increasingly common in this market and so knowing how deflect this approach is useful and will save valuable time and emotional energy.

Stay in close contact with us

When stepping through the resignation process, it is really important to stay in close contact with Seldon Rosser so that we can support you through what is a challenging moment in your career and also keep your new employer updated.

Manage your notice period well

It can be tempting to mentally check out a soon as the resignation is confirmed.  However, remember that your level of commitment to adding value during this time – wrapping up projects / handing over work etc – all forms part of your professional reputation.  These things can come up in a reference check the next time you look for a role a few years down the line or form part of a key team member’s view of you, and who knows what business any individual may move to.

For further advice or guidance we are more than happy to assist so please contact us.

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